119 years ago in Van Alstyne.

| January 14, 2024 | Reply

The Cannon Building, with a date showing of 1890, was built by Oscar M. and John Russell Cannon. John Russell lived to be 99 years old and it was their father who established the town of Cannon east of Van Alstyne, reported Dusty Williams.

Story by Dusty Williams, Photos by Mary Jane Farmer

 On January 14, 1905.
* The rain stopped work on the Cannon brick block.
* Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by Brown, Cartwright, and Durning, Druggist, Van Alstyne, Texas.
* Remember that Heinz’s tomato catsup is the very best your money can buy.
* Have your furniture repaired at McCorkle’s.
Bert Welker’s wood pile caught fire Friday of last week from burning grass. The alarm was sounded, but the blaze was out when the company arrived.
* John Thompson was summoned to Sherman Monday as a petit juror, but was excused. J. W. Wiggs and I. H. Mount, who were summoned for the same purpose, did not fare so well. Both had to serve.

The Cannon Building houses City Drug and has been housing that business for decades.

* J. T. Echols, the oldest carpenter and about the oldest man in Van Alstyne, has returned home (from near Anna, where he has been doing carpenter work). Very few men of his age are able to do such hard work on the ground to say nothing of climbing over a building. Mr. Echols carries his age well.


Category: Van Alstyne News

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In the music production business, including event production, booking, photography, reporting, and other such essentials, since 1980.

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