CD Review: Aaron Watson’s “Red Bandana”

| June 4, 2019 | Reply

Items in one of the packages currently available on

Originally in June issue, Buddy Magazine

Aaron Watson, Red Bandana, Big Label Records

People are supposin’ why Aaron Watson chose to title his forthcoming CD Red Bandana, due out June 21. But, Watson is releasing a song or two at a time on the streaming sites, not all 20 songs included. So far, there’s five songs on the sites, available to those who pre-order the record.

One of those songs is called “Riding With Red,” which, without all the promo stuff that usually comes with CDs to reviewers, one could believe or imagine is about Watson’s, or even one’s own, grandfather. With lyrics like “About the time that I came around… he was slow climbing in the saddle, but once he was up, he could fly…  And I learned how to rope and I learned how to pray and how actions speak louder than any words you may say… And though he’s long gone, I’m still out here Riding With Red.” And that’s just a condensed version of the lyrics about lessons learned from a genuinely-wise mentor… Well, here’s one more… “I’ve busted broncs, I’ve hung on for dear life—to everything he had to say.”

Maybe that’s the reason for naming this project Red Bandana. I believe so. He did say in one interview that he just didn’t see the need for yet another photo him on a CD cover.

Photo by Mary Jane Farmer

Aaron Watson has the talent for uniqueness in tunes and rhythms, when using clichés, arrangements, witness “Trying Like The Devil” (which, by the way, has a line about wearing a red bandana with old blue jeans) as compared to “Old Friend.” Both upbeat, high energy tempos, yet completely different word and phrase usage. And most folks are already familiar with the celebratory break-up tune “Kiss That Girl Goodbye,” which has been on just about every state and national chart out there.

There’s one on this CD that hasn’t been opened up to the ears or the heart yet, and I check for it daily. “Ghost of Guy Clark,” it’s called.

To pre-order, go Online to There are packages available when pre-ordering this CD.

Me and my red bandana!

Me? I’m wearing a red bandana every day until June 21, telling people about this gotta-have CD.

Mary Jane Farmer, Scene In Town


Category: *- Features, - CD Reviews

About the Author ()

In the music production business, including event production, booking, photography, reporting, and other such essentials, since 1980.

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