Deryl Dodd, master entertainer

| December 18, 2012

Deryl Dodd

Deryl Dodd made his second trip to Gilley’s/Durant Friday night (12/14/12), and between him and his Homesick Cowboys, the dance floor stayed packed most of the night. The Homesick Cowboys include Andrew Raley on drums, Steve Rhian on lead guitar, and one Choctaw Indian, Kerry Wilson on bass.

Kerry talked about enjoying being back on Choctaw turf, and was pleased that  his father and grandfather had attended Jones Academy, operated by the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma since 1891.

The band started about half an hour early and, after quitting at the designated time, came back out on stage and presented five more songs, and the fans kept coming. One even got up on stage after it was over for a quick DD hug.

For photos, click here

Short story and photos by Mary Jane Farmer

Category: *- Features, Choctaw Casinos

About the Author ()

In the music production business, including event production, booking, photography, reporting, and other such essentials, since 1980.

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